Ghana Lucky Tuesday results
Latest results Tuesday, 11 February 2025.
Draw 907
- 2
- 22
- 25
- 29
- 59
Ghana Lucky Tuesday results Tuesday, 04 February 2025.
Draw 906
- 14
- 28
- 40
- 77
- 86
Ghana Lucky Tuesday results Tuesday, 28 January 2025.
Draw 905
- 11
- 58
- 60
- 69
- 80
Lucky Tuesday information
Tickets can be purchased in Ghana. Draws are on Tuesday.
Lucky Tuesday is organized by Ghana National Lottery Authority..
Odds of winning in Lucky Tuesday
In Ghana Lucky Tuesday player selects 5 numbers between 1 - 90.
- Jackpot in Lucky Tuesday is won by matching 5 numbers. Odds are 1 in 43949300.
- 2. prize you win when you match 4 numbers. Odds are 1 in 103410.
- 3. prize you win when you match 3 numbers. Odds are 1 in 1231.
- 4. prize you win when you match 2 numbers. Odds are 1 in 44.5.
- 5. prize you win when you match 1 numbers. Odds are 1 in 4.3.
Organizer information
- Official website:
- en.wikipedia